Monday, October 4, 2010

October!!! -- Halloween

50,000 Word Blog Word Count: 0
My NaNoWriMo Word Count: 0

Day: -27

Tip# 000

Hello All,

It's OCTOBER!!!! That means NOVEMBER is only a few short days away. October is a great time to relax, get your creative writing juices flowing, and begin planning for the upcoming 30 days, 720 hours, 43,200 minutes, 2,592,000 seconds.

My tip for the day is almost a month away, but since plans arise quickly I thought I'd start out with the end. Halloween!!! A day where people dress up and knock on neighbors doors to mooch for candy!! Can it get any better? Whether you're in high school, college, or beyond, consider starting writing on Halloween. October 31, 11:59 marks the beginning of November 1st and NaNoWriMo. Now whether your walking around with kids or friends consider Trick or Treating no matter how old you are! You get free candy for the rest of the month and a fun night and experience to maybe include in your writing. Now, you need a costume idea!! Why not dress up like your main character. You'll have fun and get to act out a bit of what you're writing.

There, you get home with tons of candy dressed up like the star of the night in novel land. You're all ready!!! Now just wait until 12:00 midnight, on the dot and... begin! It sounds like an exciting great idea but it's really not a race and it's not all that energetic. In fact... it may seem a little anticlimatic but do not fear, keep pushing yourself and try to get a day's quota before the day even begins. With that kind of enthusiasm you'll be sure to get to 50,000 words in not time.

PS. I know this year Halloween is a Sunday so that might not work out as nicely for some, but give it a try.

More on HOW to get your ideas flowing next week...

Dare: Trick or Treat!!

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